Infant Toddler Developmental Specialist (ITDS) Coursework

This course sequence offers specialized training to work with young children with special needs or disabilities across a variety of education and care settings. The state of Florida has identified the ITDS certificate as a qualifying credential for individuals to work with infants and toddlers in early intervention programs.

Contact Information

Sharon M. Darling

Sharon M. Darling

Associate Professor
Department of Special Education

Office Location: ED 47 - 442
Campus: Boca

Ellen Ismalon

Ellen Ismalon

Department of Special Education

Office Phone: 561-297-3284
Office Location: ED 47 - 420
Campus: Boca

This course sequence offers specialized training to work with young children with special needs or disabilities across a variety of education and care settings. The state of Florida has identified the ITDS certificate as a qualifying credential for individuals to work with infants and toddlers in early intervention programs. The Infant Toddler Developmental Specialist (ITDS) certificate program at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) is offered fully online over the course of one calendar year. By completing these courses and additional certification requirements, students are eligible to apply for the Department of Health Infant Toddler Developmental Specialist (ITDS) Certificate. The four courses comprising the ITDS coursework are as follows:

EEX 5015 Survey and Assessment in Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education (Spring)
Historical, legal, educational, and theoretical rationales for the observation and assessment of young children (birth to age 8). Included will be intellectual, psychosocial, physical, emotional, and educational assessment instruments, procedures, and research implications.
EEX 5017 Atypical Development in Early Childhood ESE (Summer)
This course will provide students with knowledge of theories of typical and typical child development, with emphasis on stages and sequences of skill acquisition and the impact of disabilities and biomedical risk factors on learning from birth to age 8.
EEX 5755 Families and Community Resources in Early Childhood ESE (Spring; Summer)
Course will focus on family collaboration and support, with emphasis on family systems theory and interaction, community resources, case management and transition for infants, toddlers, and young children with special needs.
EEX 6707 Early Intervention Services (Fall)
Prerequisite: EEX 5015, 5017, or permission of instructor
Course provides knowledge and skills to facilitate family centered early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities or at risk of developing disabilities. These services promote collaboration with families and intervention in natural environments.

Learn more about the Department of Health/Early Steps ITDS certification and coursework here. To learn more about the ITDS certification requirements, contact us.